LPK (Job Training Institute)

  • Askara Mulia Sejati Job Training Institute is a private institution engaged in Education and Job Training in order to improve Human Resources according to Industry needs;
  • Our program focuses on soft skills training and strengthening with HR development programs according to industry needs, we help companies by preparing prospective workers or prospective students for apprenticeships by providing basic knowledge about K3, 5s, ethics, discipline, and basic knowledge needed by industry globaly;
  • One of the keys to the Company’s success in facing this free competition is the existence of Human Resources (HR) in the Company with the ability, loyalty and high concentration to support activities in earnest;
  • For this reason, we established this forum as a solution for human resources who are capable and can provide maximum service to the community and are pioneers in educational activities, job training and placement of students for internships;
  • Establishing a good partnership is our main goal going forward to long-term cooperation in all business fields to further improve our capabilities and services according to the needs of education and industry.

AMS LPK Purpose

  • Realizing quality education and creating a skilled, expert, productive and competent workforce through training so that they can occupy the job market.
  • Improving the quality of education and workforce competence through various types of skills training.
  • Help the government reduce unemployment in providing reliable and quality human resources.
  • Increase the relevance and efficiency of training programs according to the needs of the business world.

Profits & Benefits:

  • Service user companies do not have a direct legal relationship with job seekers, thus avoiding the demands of workers that might occur later.
  • Reduce or at least minimize the potential for labor conflicts that may arise.
  • From time to time the service user company may return the assigned workforce, due to the employee’s negligence or violation and may also not meet the qualifications according to the stipulated provisions, without the user being burdened with complicated bureaucratic or procedural problems and high costs.
  • Everything that has to do with the operation of this work follows the applicable Government regulations.

Job Training and Apprenticeship Placement in Companies

This field is an alternative answer for companies in dealing with the wheels of their business in difficult times like today where the economic condition is still sluggish. Government of the Republic of Indonesia in law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower article 64 states “Companies may submit part of the execution of work to other companies through a Contract of Work Agreement to other companies through a Contract of Work or Provision of Worker/Labourer Services made in writing”. And the issuance of PERMENAKERTRANS no. 6 of 2020, regarding apprenticeships.

Labor Selection and Placement

  • This field tries to bridge the gap between the Company and job seekers. Companies that are partners with Askara Mulia Sejati LPK delegate the implementation of filling out the requests needed by the Company and within the specified timeframe it will be fulfilled immediately;
  • The recruitment process for prospective workers is carried out using a membership system, and induction into the world of work which is then qualified and entered into the database;
  • Workers who then become candidates for certain partner companies are then given a cover letter to follow the next process at the partner company and if needed and requested a psychological test and medical check up will be carried out.

We Are Different


We shape the character of HR since they are in school with various industry seminars, self-improvement motivation, pre-tests, logic simulations, and various competencies related to education and industry.

Job Placement

We have a proven job training method that has been widely used in the industry that is able to increase production in the company because the human resources we have prepared have mastered this method as the basis for their training.


After graduating they join a big family at LPK and again we provide them with various knowledge about the industry, we are motivated to return to have more enthusiasm for work, good behavior, intelligent with logic, and able to learn and adapt themselves to work much faster than others, this is what makes our HR different from the others.

Get In Touch

Ruko Hive Parc
Jl Cendana Parc Raya 1 No 18,
Jalan Pasir Randu,
Lippo Karawaci